Culture of innovation
Unleashing creativity and innovation
We encourage initiative-taking throughout the organisation, promoting a bottom-up approach and ensuring that projects are circulated company-wide so that all our clients benefit from them. Our goal is to always be pragmatic, nimble and open. Managerial innovation is key to driving our company forward, and we generate a working environment that encourages creativity and innovation in our employees.
The “Makers” programme was launched at the end of 2016 to promote collective initiative and innovation throughout the company.
individuals were selected to be trained in collaborative and collective working methods
A dedicated Development, Innovation and Transformation department provides impetus for, supports and accelerates the business modelrelated and cultural changes that are central to our BYES 2020 strategic business plan. It runs a network of employees who are involved in these topics across all our operational entities.
Customer experience
Continuously enhancing through new working methods
Building Information Modelling
BIM helps optimise and anticipate choices, as well as manage technical and organisational interfaces to cut project deadlines and costs.
A mobile and transparent software solution for managing all the documents needed to track and monitor the progress of work on site (studies, internal controls, commissioning)
A multipurpose IT tool that makes it possible to easily find (via web access) all the up-to-date electronic documents needed for the functioning and operation of facilities.