This website (hereafter the “Website”) is published by the company BOUYGUES ENERGIES & SERVICES, a French “Société par Actions Simplifiée” (simplified joint stock company) with capital of €50,574,368, registration number: 775 664 873 VERSAILLES, registered office: 19 rue Stephenson 78180 MONTIGNY LE BRETONNEUX, FRANCE, Hereafter “BYES”.
Publication director:
Laurent Grenier
Creation and hosting:
Registration number: 378 615 363 Nanterre
20 rue des Jardins
92600 Asnières-sur-Seine
Terms of use
The purpose of this Website is to provide information for its users, to present the company’s products, solutions and services, and to promote the recruitment of new employees.
Access to service and authentication
The Website is accessed at the address www.bouyguesenergiesservices.com
No authentication is needed to access the Website.
Intellectual property
No commercial use, even partial, of the data presented on this Website may be made without the prior written permission of BYES.
The presentation and content of this Website constitute a protected work under current intellectual property law. It may not be reproduced and/or represented, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of BYES.
Any reproduction, use and/or modification made to distinguishing marks of BYES or its subsidiaries (company name, logo, etc.) without the prior written permission of BYES may constitute an infringement. BYES shall in no way be rendered liable on such a basis.
Pictures, photographs, images, text, animated sequences (with or without sound) and other documentation included on the Website are covered by industrial and/or intellectual property rights in the name of BYES or its subsidiaries. Such content may not be reproduced, represented, adapted, translated and/or transformed, in whole or in part, or transferred to another website.
Copies of the various legally-protected items specified above are authorised for private use provided the source is acknowledged. Any full or partial reproduction thereof, without the prior written consent of BYES, is strictly prohibited.
Links or framing in references to the Website are strictly prohibited and, consequently, no material appearing on a page of this Website may be distributed, transferred or inserted into another website, in whole or in part, nor used to create derivative products.
Data protection / Personal data
The www.bouygues-es.com website collects and processes your data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the French Data Protection Act.
Please be advised that a mechanism may be used to track your use of the www.bouygues-es.com website.
Each form on the www.bouygues-es.com website limits the collection of personal data to the extent strictly necessary (data minimisation) and states in particular:
- the purpose of collecting such data and how long it will be retained for;
- whether, to manage your request, the data is mandatory or optional;
- who has access to the data;
- your rights and how to exercise them.
For further information or to exercise your rights regarding the processing of personal data by our company, please get in touch:
- By post:
Bouygues Energies & Services
Contact CNIL
Atlantis, 1 avenue Eugène Freyssinet
78280 Guyancourt, France
- Or by e-mail: dpo@bouygues-construction.com
Limitation of liability
The contents of this Website are for general information purposes only and may be altered at any time and without notice. BYES accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever for any private or professional use thereof.
BYES cannot guarantee the accuracy, precision or completeness of the information made available on this Website.
Consequently, BYES accepts no responsibility for:
- any inaccuracies, errors or omissions in the content of the Website;
- any direct and/or indirect damage or loss arising howsoever from use of or access to the Website or from inability to use or access the Website or from relying on any information obtained directly or indirectly from the Website;
- any use that may be made of the information specified above.
Website users confirm that they accept the characteristics and limits of the Internet and that they are fully aware of the nature of the Internet and, in particular, its technical performances.
BYES shall not be liable in any way whatsoever in the event that the Website cannot be accessed or that it is not operating correctly, or for any other reasons falling outside the scope of BYES.
BYES may need to interrupt access to the Website for maintenance. Users will be notified of this interruption in a notice displayed on the homepage or by any other means. Such interruption in no way incurs BYES’ liability and confers no right to compensation.
Support and contact details
Users requiring technical support (for access or display issues, etc.) may e-mail us at s.communication@bouygues-es.com or write to:
Bouygues Energies & Services
Direction de la Communication
Atlantis, 1 avenue Eugène Freyssinet
78280 Guyancourt, France
Applicable law / competent courts
These terms of use are governed by French law. In the event of a dispute concerning the interpretation and/or performance of the terms of use, the parties shall undertake to work together to try to find an amicable solution.
Failing that, the Paris courts have exclusive jurisdiction to resolve any dispute arising between the contracting parties and regarding the terms of use.
See also