Our policies
We strive to integrate, bring out and nurture all human capabilities in our workforce, reflecting the society in which we live
Fostering pluralism and diversity in the recruitment and career management process is a key factor of progress. The Diversity Charter adopted and signed by senior management, illustrates our commitment in France to cultural, ethnic and social diversity within our organisation.
The 6 Diversity Charter® commitments
- Raise awareness among senior executives and employees involved in recruitment, training and career management, and train them in issues relating to non-discrimination and diversity.
- Comply with and promote the application of the principle of non-discrimination in all its forms and at all stages of human resource management, in other words throughout the staff hiring, training, development and promotion process.
- Endeavour to reflect the diversity of French society in our workforce, particularly cultural and ethnic diversity, and at all qualification levels.
- Communicate our commitment to non-discrimination and diversity to all our employees, and provide information about the practical outcomes of this commitment.
- Discuss the development and implementation of our diversity policy with employee representatives.
- Include a chapter outlining our commitment to non-discrimination and diversity in the annual report, including actions implemented, practices and outcomes.
These commitments are reflected in a number of measures which are implemented, some as part of long-standing initiatives, in four areas: disability, gender equality, intergenerational schemes and inclusion.

Hiring and retaining people with disabilities
Bouygues Energies & Services was the first company in its sector to sign an agreement in favour of hiring and retaining people with disabilities.

Gender equality
Agreement on professional equality between women and men
Against a background of traditionally male business activities, we make gender equality a key strand of our HR policy. Our measures include pursuing a non-discriminating wage policy, paying particular attention to integrating apprentices, providing mentoring programmes for women taking on senior positions, and incorporating the topic of gender equality into our management training modules.

Intergenerational schemes
Generation contract
The purpose of the French “contrat de génération” (generation contract), signed in 2013, is to help young people under the age of 30 into work, retain older workers, and ensure knowledge and skills are transferred from one generation to the next.

Welfare-to-work schemes
A key part of our sustainable development approach, welfare-to work schemes are something that our teams have been engaged in for many years through a wide range of initiatives and in conjunction with national and local partners.